The impact of music.

Listening to Christmas Music Makes You Happy | POPSUGAR Entertainment
        In the other Wes Moore, Wes spoke about his new interest in hip hop music. Since Wes went to a mostly white and mostly wealthy school, the kids in his neighborhood felt like he wasn't "like them". His family had more money than a lot of the neighborhood kids because most kids in the neighborhood couldn't afford the school Wes attended. This made them think of Wes differently. Wes explained that knowing and listening to hip hop helped him fit in more with the neighborhood kids because they could see that he "understood". This to me really shows the true power if music. Music is a way to bring people together, it's a language that everyone can understand and appreciate. It's a way for people to express their creativity, personality and a way for people to escape. In my high school everyone I knew listened to music. You would see people with headphones on, nodding their heads to the beat as they moved from class to class. I think music made them feel comfortable, at least that's how it made me feel. I felt safe when I listened to music, like it was just me and the song and I was in my own world. Not only did I feel like I could express myself, but I was also having fun doing it. When I think about music, I again find myself coming back to dance because dance truly plays a huge role in my life. You truly can't have dance without music. Music is art and so is dance and the two of them together were the perfect duo. I loved putting on a favorite song of mine and just moving my body to the beat. Music will forever be created and loved because it can make people feel things you don't always get to feel. There have been so many times music has brought me to tears because it truly is that powerful. At school me and my friends would share a bunch of different playlists and songs. We would make up little dances to our favorites, play the music from our phone in the bathroom and dance and sing together. I remember laughing so hard and smiling uncontrollably as I thought to myself how much fun I was having. If I was ever feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I would put in my headphones and turn on a song. I feel like a lot of people can relate to this and that is why music is so prevalent today. Thinking about music in my life now, i like to listen to music as I warm up for school in the mornings. I get up very early for classes so listening to music is a way for me to mentally prepare for my day and get myself grounded. I am very grateful for music, it has played a large role in my life and it will continue to be a significant part of who I am today.  


  1. Hi Kaitlyn,
    You did a great job of connecting the reader and making personal experiences with music relatable. You effectively expanded on the idea presented in the book about the power of music to bring people together and create a sense of belonging. You also demonstrate the emotional impact music can have on a person. Your use of specific examples such as making up little dances with your friends and listening to music to mentally prepare yourself for the day made the reading memorable.

  2. You did a great job explaining how important music is to you.


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