
Showing posts from March, 2023

Is higher education worth the price?

            Higher education has become one of the hardest financial blows for families in America. Prices of schools have increased so much, people question if sending their child to school is really worth it.  In the article “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission” the author stresses the financial burden of getting a college education. Both private and public education have doubled in costs. College education is a 420-billion-dollar industry and the rising issues of cost have become so apparent that schools are in need of immediate reform.  The author goes into depth on different ways to fix these problems. For example,  tenure should be replaced with multiyear contracts, fewer sabbaticals should be granted, donations should be spread around and the presidents in schools are overcompensated.  I totally agree with this. Something major has to be done because the price of education has become so high most people are no longer willing to  pay.  Many presidents are making as much as